Fretboard Mastery for Uke Mini Workshop

I’ve been watching your videos for the Fretboard Mastery Mini Series and have found it to be very helpful in “connecting the dots”. It has given me the next step of identifying where my blind spots are in my fretboard knowledge. Since I have been focusing on major scales for much of my warmup practice lately, these new exercises are just what I need to push me out of my comfort zone. As I tend to practice the F major scale from the 5th position and the G major scale from the 7th position, and the D major scale from the 2nd position, (always omitting the low G string). I have found it easier to play, and learn the notes and degrees of any major key on the first 3 strings by always starting and ending on the 1 of the key. I have practiced them upward and downward in order, and in 3s, and skipping 3rds, and also in random order to create more musical expression. This has really helped me to “see” the patterns, and familiarize myself to be able to “hear” when I play a “wrong” note or something that it not in the key. Forcing myself to play in every position and starting on a note that is not the 1 of the key is certainly more challenging. These will be very helpful exercises to “key” into. Mahalo

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