Lesson 18 - Chord Movement

Originally published at: Lesson 18 – Chord Movement. Replies here will cross-post to the original lesson page.

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Remember: follow your ears! If you only think about this analytically it will be easy to miss some wonderful sounds.

If you’ve found some nice movement voicings, share them here!

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This lesson was super helpful. As I noticed so many of the kumu utilizing this technique at the nightly kanikapila in Maui. :_ukulele: I realized they they were using different chord choices to break up the monotony of everyone strumming the same chords. What I didn’t realize is that one does not necessarily need to know all of the chord names or choices to pick from, but that just adding/subtracting or changing one note in the chord adds that “flavor” shift. This is so much easier to experiment around with than learning lots of additional chords. Again, a gentle reminder to listen and trust ones ears. If is sounds good, remember it. If is sounds sour, throw it out. This will definitely become part of my daily exploration.

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I agree with Bob. This is a very exciting lesson and greatly extends the envelope of sounds. I have been to French Polynesia several times and noted the ukulele players doing just this; I even got to play with the Aranui (cruise ship and freighter) band and started imitating some of their moves. I didn’t understand why it worked until now. I’ve downloaded the chord files and will be having a lot of fun with them. Also, thanks for including the musical notation and not just the chord fingerings, I’ll be studying that too.