Mirroring through Airplay seems to be disabled

In my old age I’m finding unpleasant to watch videos on my phone so I’m heavily relying on Airplay or Chromecast to watch content on my TV. While I’m able to do so with all other apps or websites, I’m not having any luck with the videos embedded into Liveukulele.com.
Any thoughts?
Many thanks,

I tried to mirror videos from my iPhone to my television and had no luck either. Although my television is equipped with Screen Sharing I was unable to figure it out and make it work, even after finding instructions online.

However, I found this link below online but have not tried it yet. It seems that you have already figured out how to mirror videos from other websites, so I’m out of suggestions.

How Does Screen Mirroring Work | iPhone, iPad, Mac & Android.

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Thanks Bob,

I think the problem is in the website coding. I’ve got a number of courses from James Hill and everything works fine there. I tried to mirror all sorts of other content and it all works fine.

I’m hoping that Brad will see this and as the webmaster he could do something about it. I’d like to buy more courses, however if this doesn’t get fixed it would be a deal breaker for me.

It would be cool for Brad to make an Apple TV / Google Chromecast TV app! It would be the first in the Ukulele world! In the guitar world there are only two that I know of: Truefire and Music is Win.


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Aloha Fabio,

The videos are embedded on my site similar to a YouTube video. Don’t think there’s much I can do on my end. EDIT: I’ve reached out to the host to see if they have any tips.

In the meantime, you should be able to download the videos as an .mp4. I expect you could then play them locally from your device?

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Ok. So I heard from support. This is a global setting that is turned off by default. I enabled it.

Give it a try and see if it works! :call_me_hand:t3:


Very cool! Can’t wait to try this. Thanks Fabio for the suggestion. And mahalo nui Brad for always coming through with a solution. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Hi Brad,

Sorry for the delay in answering.

I just tried but still no joy. There’s still something that prevents it from being played. I’ve taken a picture of the TV screen when trying to use Airplay.

By the way,

Did you see my reply on YouTube about James Hill’s podcast where he says he now plays nylon?

Grazie mille Brad!

Ok. I reached out to the support people again. Will keep you posted.

No… I don’t see any follow up comment on that video.

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Hi Brad,

Thanks for letting me know. It seems that Google deletes links related to Apple links… I tried again taking a screenshot, then I went in again and it disappeared once more…


Here it is, at the third minute mark:

Can you try this video? They are wanting to look at a page with the video embed. If this one does the same thing it will be easier to share. Mahalo.

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Interesting. He always said he got bulk strings off the roll from Mike DaSilva. I’ve played his ukes. Always felt like fluorocarbon to me.

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I heard that too…

Maybe there’s a D’Addario sponsorship in the making…:grinning:

Or maybe he has switched, who knows…

Interesting nonetheless.

Thanks Brad!

I will try as soon as I’m home.

Will keep you posted.


You look good on the big screen!

This works, the others still don’t.


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Please confirm which video you’re trying to watch as I just realized we might be thinking of different kinds of embeds.

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Success! Congratulations!
can’t wait to try it once I get home in front of my television. Big screen is always better. More like an in-person lesson.

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Hi Brad,

I was trying to watch the Street Theory workshop videos. They are the ones that still don’t work.
